Hidden Truths

"Stop...Deep!" Anjali shouted behind her, but it was as if everything had turned mute around her. Anjali pressed the key in her hand to unlock the door of the car, which she had picked up from the living room while running behind Deep. She sat in the driver's seat and rushed behind Deep in the same hurry.

"What is she doing?"Anjali thought to herself. "The last time I saw her like this was to either save a life or take one. Seeing the circumstances, it doesn't feel like it's to save one. Actually, I don't even care if she kills Kritika, but...the one I am concerned about is Deep...it will affect her...she has already seen so much throughout her life...and if she does this, she will end up in an everlasting loop of guilt and self-hatred. After all, she still isn't able to bring herself to hate Kritika. But that witch..."

Maan and Agastya also followed them in the same intensity in Maan's car after witnessing the scene. Maan asked Agastya to call Khanna while he was busy sprinting behind the two best friends driving like a psychopath.

"Khanna, what happened in there?" Maan asked.

"Sir, Anjali madam went to prepare something in the kitchen while Deep ma'am suddenly woke up and rushed out in fury," Khanna replied.

"Where did she get the gun from?" Maan asked.

"Sir, while she woke up, she looked at her side table, where she picked up the car keys, and also, earlier when Agastya sir was finding something in the drawer, he had left his gun there on top of the table, so she picked it up from there," Khanna explained.

"Okay...clear the roads for us. I don't want her to get hurt because of the traffic," Maan ordered in his stern voice, although he glared at Agastya like he would kill him for being such a reckless brat. He hung up the call.

"How the heck do you end up leaving your gun in a room where two girls were staying?" Maan yelled at Agastya in annoyance.

"I never cared about such things in your house," Agastya said. "And see, there - those girls look more dangerous than we do. Look how they turned whole Delhi into a Formula 1 racing track in minutes. Honestly, I am impressed by their driving skills. Though, here you are struggling, and there they look so effortless while drifting the car. Now I get it why you named her Warrior - nice choice, Dr. Maan."

"Just shut up," Maan yelled at him in annoyance.

After approximately 45 minutes of rash driving, they stopped one after another. It was an apartment colony. Deep stepped out of the car, gun still intact in her hand, her demeanor darker than ever. She looked dangerous, her cerulean eyes turned bloodshot red, her knuckles turned white. She walked towards the apartment without stopping for the guard who had just greeted her by her name. He knew her? She stopped in front of an apartment, typed in the passcode of the door, and got in effortlessly.

There sat Kritika on the couch of the living room, who was now shocked to see Deep in her apartment like this, angry, and wondered how she had even entered. Deep picked her sitting figure with one hand, pinned her against the wall, choking her throat, and pointed the gun at her temple. Maan, Anjali, and Agastya all entered at the same time. They were frightened to see her like this.

"What did I say about not meddling in my life, Kritika?" Deep questioned, her voice cold and menacing.

"Pagal ho gyi ho...choro mujhe," Kritika struggled to say, her voice shaking with fear.

"Stay still before I pull the trigger," Deep ordered,Anjali stepped near her, trying to calm her down.

"Don't worry, I won't pull the trigger. Let me just have a talk," Deep assured Anjali, her voice calmer only for her, making her take a step back in agreement.

Seeing Maan and Agastya, Kritika questioned, "I didn't know you were fooling around with two billionaire best friends at the same time."

Maan clenched his jaw, moved ahead to say something, but Deep gestured him to stop. "Either you stop with your filth, or I'll make sure you have no one left in your family to perform your last rites. And you, of all people, very well know what I am capable of. After all, this isn't the first time you would see me pull the trigger, right?" Deep spoke, dread looking into her eyes.

Her last line left Maan in worry, making him think what she meant by that. "Has she killed someone, or was it about something else? But do I care about her killing someone? I myself have taken numerous lives than I have saved, but I have had my reasons, and I am sure she must have had too," Maan thought to himself, trying to soothe his inner turmoil.

"Now, hand over the camera," Deep ordered.

"Top right shelf, first drawer," Kritika pointed. Anjali went in, took the camera, broke it into pieces, took out the SD card, and flushed it in the toilet. Agastya meanwhile shattered her laptop as well. Kritika yelled, "No...not that!" Deep left her, turned her back to move out. Kritika picked up the vase near her and was about to hurt her when Anjali grabbed her and punched her right into the face, making her spit blood, and said, "Don't you dare too...I am quiet because of Deep. Do not make me...regret you your whole fucking existence." She also moved to move out but stopped at seeing Maan stand in there without moving.

"I don't know what's going on, but remember, I, Maan Singh Khurana, am coming for you," Maan warned.

"Why is she to you, Dr. Khurana? Why is a billionaire like you here standing by her side? Is she too good in bed?" Kritika asked, trying to stop the bleeding from her nose.

"I don't count you worthy enough to let you know my relations, but I am sure of the fact that if you keep talking like this, I would forget you are a woman, and that I don't raise my hands on women," Maan warned in his threatening deep voice.

Maan walked off too, behind her was Anjali. While coming out, she spoke, "Change the bloody password at least, and better just move out. Why do you even stay here till now? Don't you have any shame left, or do you not remember that this house is still owned by her?" She also moved down the stairs. Deep stood there on the porch, beside her was standing Agastya, awkwardly trying to initiate at least something. Anjali and Maan also went near them. Anjali tapped her shoulders. Deep turned around to look at her. Maan got a glimpse of a tear in her eyes.

"Those eyes look tired, as if it's asking to free her from all this. The eyes which I saw a few minutes ago were gone, but the ones I was seeing now felt vulnerable and would cry any minute, as if she was speaking with her eyes to her best friend, and I guess she understood it too . She felt weak and timid in that moment. I didn't know what was going on, but there was something I didn't know. Out of emotions I had seen in those eyes it was different it was sore pain and a breaking soul ," Maan thought to himself, trying to decode the surrounding. Anjali embraced her best friend into a hug, giving her the assurance and ease she needed.

"I know what she is feeling. I get it...it's hard for her. All the relations in her life have only given her pain throughout life. I know why she is this vulnerable. She isn't sad because of herself, but she is breaking, seeing Kritika this way. She wanted Kritika to be happy always. She never wanted her to be this, trying and pulling some idiotic tricks. She still cares for her, and I know how hard it is for her to grab that gun and point it to the person whom she once wished to give the world to," Anjali spoke to her inner self, remembering everything that had happened in the past.

Deep sighed, pulling out from the comforting hug, looking a lot better. "Tu na hoti toh mera kya hota?" she spoke to her smiling best friend.

Agastya, clearing his throat, "Sorry to disturb you, but I guess there's about to be a storm, and it's already 2 am. We should head back as it would take at least two hours if we start now in normal speed like normal human beings."

"I am sorry...I am really sorry I dragged you into this mess, but we don't have to go all the way back to Delhi. I have a house near here, that is in sector 43, and we are in 47. It will only take ten minutes. If you don't mind, we can all go there as it won't be safe to drive in this storm. Winds are already getting stronger and stronger," Deep proposed to them in a genuinely apologetic manner.

Everyone nodded in agreement. While everyone was heading towards their cars, Maan stepped ahead and took the gun away from her slowly and said, "You don't ever need to apologize for anything you make me do. And today, I was here because I wanted to, not because you asked me." Smiling directly from his eyes. "This man will make him go insane," Deep chuckled to herself.

Deep sat in her car while Anjali opened the passenger seat door to get in. She was halted by a strong masculine arm kept on the door, keeping it still shut. "You are coming with me," Agastya ordered.

"And why would I?" Anjali retorted in annoyance from everything

"I don't need to take your permission, just as you didn't take my permission before taking my car and also drifting it like it weighed and cost nothing," Agastya replied.

"Listen, that was a need..." Deep pressed her horn to hope in as the weather was starting to get much worse.

Agastya looked through the window and said, "She will come with me. You leave, we will follow you," he announced, taking Anjali's hand to take her to his car.

Deep was baffled by what was happening but thought of asking about it later to Anjali. She drove off. Behind her was Maan, and behind him was Agastya and Anjali.

While he felt happy at his victory, she kept glaring at him. They reached the destination within 15 minutes. There stood a nice beautiful villa, looking prettier than ever in the glory of a stormy night. They also parked their cars and stepped out.

Deep asked Anjali to take them to the front door while she goes and gets the key from Ramu Kaka (caretaker of the house). While everyone reached the door, Deep also came back with the keys, opening the door.

But there was a lot of darkness. "Because of the storm, some wires broke. I have asked Kaka to switch on the generator. It might take a few minutes till then. Switch on your phone flashlights," Deep announced.

Everyone stepped up inside slowly and carefully. Because of the sudden lighting thunder, a photo flashed in the living room, hung up on the wall. It was a photo of two girls, almost identical, only difference being one having blue eyes and the other having hazel green eyes. In dim light of the thunder, they looked mesmerizing beauty, one of a kind.

Anjali gestured to both Maan and Agastya to not ask any questions regarding the photo, knowing exactly it would hurt her if asked about the photo.

"Who's photo is that, bhabhi?" Agastya asked, not seeing Anjali's sign.

But Deep didn't answer. She walked ahead, her eyes fixed on the photo, her mind lost in memories.


Hello My cherries πŸ’ hope you are doing good. I know this chapter was a little delayed but I was sick so I couldn't upload the chapter sooner. But I tried to give in a good compensation by making this chapter as it has many things going around like anger , emotion, mysteries ,secrets. I hope you will like the intriguing chapter.
And also let me know what you felt about the chapter .

What's with Kritika ?

Why did Deep care about kritika?

How did Deep know the passcode?

What did Deep mean it was not the first pulling trigger?

What did Maan mean by he had taken lives?

Who was the girl with Hazel green eyes?

What's the past of all this?

What did Anjali mean that all relations have hurt her?

Dwelve in to find answers.

Also do not forget to show your love by voting and commenting it means a lot for me to keep going❀️.

Follow:-carrot_cherry12 on instagram for spoiler and updates.

Love you my little cherries πŸ’.

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