"Yes, I did," she answered back, moving her gaze away from him.

"So, you knew and yet you're sitting here alone for a consultation where you clearly know I am going to say that you are dying, and that too with no expression of hesitation or worry about losing your own life. You seem like you do not care about your life?" he asked angrily.

"I myself was a biology student preparing to be a doctor once, so I figured it out," she answered, still not looking at him.

"That's not what I asked, Miss... (He was about to lash out at her indifferent behavior) leave it. I wanted to ask a lot more questions, but I can clearly see you would dismiss those questions as well. So, I want to tell you I might have a way to save you. It's not proven, but I am sure it will work if you truly give your support to me in whichever way I want you to give it."

He proposed his plan to her while burying the million questions arising inside him. Hearing him, she turned to look at him.

"Is there really a way? But more importantly, do I want a way to be saved? And why the heck does he look so determined to save me? His face is filled with millions of emotions right now, some of which are really overwhelming. Why do his eyes radiate so much worry and at the same time warmth, which is melting my outer boundaries? Although he looks like if I refuse the treatment, he would kill me himself. He looks sincerely devoted to saving me, but the thing I can't understand is, is that devotion as a man, or is it only as a doctor? But as both, I am still going to do wrong to him. There he is, wanting to save me, and here I am, not giving a shit about being saved," she thought, looking into his dark brown orbs directly. Meanwhile, he was also continuously trying to find the answers to his questions in her dark blue oceanic eyes, which were busy piercing his soul with emotions every passing second.

"You don't have to pressure yourself, Doctor, to treat me completely. Just extend my lifeline by a few years so that I can complete my pending responsibilities before I leave," she spoke, breaking their eye contact.

"I don't need you to tell me what I should feel pressured about or not. It's my decision to be made. And I assure you, I intend to give you a long, long life," he paused, "That life of yours is mine as well," he completed the sentence in his mind.

"Do as you wish," she sighed, knowing it wouldn't make sense to fight him right now. Or maybe, "I want to be saved. Just a few minutes back on that phone, the people who gave me life were cursing my whole existence, and here someone whom I just met a few hours ago is willing to give everything it takes to save me. But why does his commitment make me want to give myself another chance? Why is it making me want to live again? His care and warmth are making me want to do everything he asks me to do, not for myself, but for the person who is determined to save me," she said to her inner self, which was feeling a dopamine rush currently.

She stood to leave but was startled by a sudden question thrown at her.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked in a sincere tone laced with genuineness.

"I want her by my side. I have already waited enough. I can't let her go like this time. I know this wasn't the best way to ask this question, but I don't have any experience in all this. I was in my early twenties when I saw her for the first time, and after that, she was the only one I thought about. So, I really never did all of it. I just blurted out something. Originally, I was willing to ask her to be my wife, but for a Gen Z like her, I guess that will be too soon. And although she is still young for marriage-like stuff, I molded my question. Maybe the timing was wrong, but again this is the most right time as well. She needs me more than I need her right now, and this is the only way I could possibly stay close to her. I need her safe and sound and beside me, even if that makes me some psychopath who proposes to date on the first meeting. I am okay with it," he talked to himself, cursing for doing this.

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