You Knew?

"Hello, Miss Roy," he gestured with his hand towards her for a handshake after breaking off their eye contact.

  "Hello, Dr. Khurana... are you my attending doctor?" Taking his hand for a handshake, she asked in confusion as to why India's billionaire doctor, who barely looks at patients, would be her attending doctor.

  "Is there supposed to be any problem if I am?" Raising his eyebrows in a frown, he questioned, "Do you think of me as an incapable doctor, Miss Roy?"

  "No... No, Dr. Khurana, not at all. I just asked because I wasn't expecting... You are the heir of Khurana Empires. I am sure you have a lot on your plate, and you aren't really free generally. Even if you were, why would you be treating a commoner like me?" she retorted.

  "Yes, Miss, I do have a lot more things to do, but still, I am a doctor who took an oath to save lives irrespective of their status or anything. And if this answer doesn't please you, let me confess honestly: I am your attending doctor because your case is a special one, and so are you," he explained, trying to calm his internal havoc, knowing how special she was and regardless of the fact that her case was indeed unique.

  She just stood quietly, processing what she had just heard. "Did he just flirt with me?" she thought. "No... No, he was just being nice to his patient," she answered her own question within seconds.

  After a couple of moments of him admiring his warrior, who was lost in some thought, he looked away. "Miss Roy, we should head to examine you now," he suggested politely, making her come back to her senses. She nodded, and he led the way to the big examination room across the VIP lounge.

  They both settled into their respective places. "So, when did your symptoms start?" he asked in a tone laced with sincerity while he put his stethoscope near her chest.

  "The first time was when I was 17, around six years back. My mammary glands had started to inflame with pain and then got back to normal. Later on, my face started swelling within minutes and going back to normal within minutes as well, draining my stamina out. Also, I have had irregular periods since that time. I know that's a gynecological thing, but I am letting you know as I figured out it's related," she answered without hesitation but with carelessness, as if she didn't care about anything.

  He looked up from her chest to look into her oceanic eyes to read any emotions, but there were none—only a cold gaze.

  He politely nodded and proceeded with the procedure, ordering some tests to be run on her as soon as possible. The reports were about to be ready in an hour, so they decided to stay there and took seats in front of each other.

  "Would you mind if I ask you something, Miss Roy?" She nodded in agreement. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

  "My answer depends upon why the question is being asked. Is it medically related or just personal curiosity?" she replied without a flinch on the outside, but on the inside, trying to keep her heartbeats normal as his sudden question had made her skip a beat.

  "Medical," he continued, while he was really impressed by how she had reacted. "Then no," she answered, and suddenly she felt a little sadness within out of nowhere.

  "What if I say it's personal interest? Would the answer change?" he asked genuinely, keeping his gaze on her as he kept admiring her.

  "Then instead of an answer, I would like to know why it interests you?" she spoke, looking directly into his dark brown orbs, thinking two can play the game.

  "Indications are enough for people with brains to understand the meaning behind the words spoken," he retorted as the corners of his lips curled up into a smirk while he looked straight into her cerulean eyes, which were also having the same intense and passionate look. For once, it wasn't some plain cold gaze; it showed some undistinguished emotions. She moved her gaze away as her phone rang and she excused herself out of the room to take the call.

  He was silently looking at her standing figure in the corridor on the phone. As she continued the call, he saw her fisting her wrist in anger, her eyes turning cold and lifeless again, almost like her dark demeanor was turning in. Her cheeks were getting round, hiding her perfect jawline, meaning she was in distress as her symptoms were showing. He wanted to intervene and ask what was wrong, he wanted to know the unpiken truth of her life's who turned her so cold , but he knew it would be too soon to step into her private space.

The door opened and she settled back into her seat, closing her eyes. None of them spoke for a while; she just kept her eyes closed and her symptoms started to fade away, while he kept admiring his warrior.

  The reports came in. After taking a look at her reports, he cursed God for not listening to his silent prayers to save her from this mess.

  "Miss Roy... if you have someone close to you nearby, can you please call them?" he suggested, thinking it might be hard for her to stand it alone.

  "No, Dr. Khurana, I do not have anyone who would care to come here. And the only person who would do it is not free, and even if she were free, I do not intend to let her know if there's anything alarming. So tell me," she spoke in a firm and stern tone, making her point clear.

  He was taken aback by her words what did she mean she has only person who would care of her.He shrugged of his thoughts and continued

  "Miss Roy... you have Cushing's syndrome, one of the rarest of rare diseases. Unfortunately, it can be fatal. In your case, if we do not stop the symptoms right here, I... am... afraid... you..." He halted his words as the fear of losing her settled within him. Not hearing a word , he looked at the sitting figure in front of him who didn't seem affected at all by his words. Connecting the dots, he opened his eyes wide in shock and uttered,

  "You knew?"

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